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Here are some of Chef T's delicious recipes, using our range of quality herb blends! Yum!


Kleftico ( Greek Lamb)


RECIPE - Serves 6

1kg lamb

1 large onion sliced

4-6 teaspoons of our Mediterranean blend

4 cloves of garlic (optional ) don’t peel just squash to release flavour

1 cup white wine

1 cup water 

1 cup of lemon juice (throw in the left over lemon) Handful of baby tomatoes

Drizzle of Olive oil on top

Salt and pepper


Mix up all the ingredients and apply to your Lamb. Make sure all the meat is well covered with the marinade.

Marinade overnight in the fridge, keep the dish covered.

Transfer the meat into an overnproof dish and roast slowly in a preheated oven, covered with either foil or a lid @ 160 degrees/320 farenheit/gas mark 3  for approximately 7-8 hours, basting occasionally.  Before serving, test the lamb with a thermometer, the internal temperature should be 62°C/ 145°F (medium rare), 71°C/160°F (medium), or 76°C/170 °F (well done). 

Serve with potatoes, (you can sprinkle some Mediterranean blend on those too!) lemon wedges and a greek salad for the full experience!

recipes, healthy food, HERBiT


Napoli Sauce - No need to buy ready made sauces! Make your own healthy version with HERBiT


RECIPE - Serves 4

2 Teaspoons of HERBiT Mediterranean blend

2 Tablespoons of  Olive oil

1 onion

1 tin whole peeled tomatoes

Half cup white wine


Add all ingredients to a pot, simmer for 20 minutes stirring occasionally. Blend and it’s ready to serve on any pasta!

Add a few fresh basil leaves, some grated parmesan and a twist of black pepper to your dish, and you are ready to serve.

How simple is that?!


recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, pasta recipe


FINES HERBES DISH; French Cream and Herb Sauce - perfect to serve with Fish like salmon!


RECIPE - Serves 4

2 Teaspoons of HERBiT Fines Herbes

1 Tablespoon of butter

1 small shallot diced finely

Half Cup White wine

1 Cup Cream Seasoning



Gently Fry shallots in butter and seasoning for a few minutes

Add FINES HERBES blend and the wine 

Bring to a boil then add the cream, reduce until heat and stir until you reach the required thickness for your dish.

Don't over boil


Pour over cooked salmon fillets for a delicious midweek supper!

Serve with wilted spinach and potatoes.


recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, salmon recipe


French Omelette - A tasty lunch or Sunday brunch idea!


RECIPE  - per person

Large pinch of HERBiT Fines Herbes

3 large eggs

Pinch of salt and black pepper

1 tablespoon (15g) of unsalted butter


In a medium bowl, beat eggs until mixed well

Mix in herbs and season with salt and pepper.

Melt butter in an 8 inch frying pan, swirling over moderate heat, until fully melted and foamy but not browned.

Add eggs and stir rapidly with fork, while shaking pan to agitate eggs; make sure to move fork all around pan to break up curds and scrape them from bottom of the pan as they form.

Stop stirring as soon as eggs are very softly scrambled and creamy (but still loose enough to come together into a single mass), 1 to 2 minutes.

Using fork, gently spread egg in an even layer around the pan and scrape down any wispy bits around the edges.

The top surface should be loose and creamy, but if it looks too liquid and raw, cook undisturbed for another few seconds. 

Remove from heat, tilt pan up by its handle, and, using fork, gently roll omelette down over itself until it is nearly folded in half.

Using fork, push omelette to edge of skillet so that lower edge of egg begins to just barely overhang; use fork to fold overhanging edge of egg up, closing the omelette.

Hold pan right over plate and turn omelette out onto it.

Serve with a crisp green salad, or some lovely rocket salad  and  baby plum tomatoes drizzled with olive oil.



recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, french omlette
recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, home made curry


Quick & easy BBQ marinade


RECIPE  - Serves 4

1 heaped Tablespoons HERBiT Eastern Fusion blend

2 Tablespoons of Oil

1 tbsp Honey or sugar

Soya sauce to taste

Squeeze of Lime juice



Add all ingredients to a bowl and mix thoroughly 

Apply to your chosen meat or vegetables and leave to marinade for a few hours, in the fridge

Keep any leftover marinade to use as a basting during cooking

When your BBQ is hot and ready, add your marinated food and cook

Use a basting brush to apply more marinade as the food is cooking - careful not to burn your food!

When ready serve with your chosen accompaniments!


If marinading fish, leave out the Lime juice, and instead squeeze some juice over your cooked fish just before serving 






A delicious Curry for a Friday night in, simple to cook and tastes delicious!


RECIPE  - Serves 4

2 Tablespoons HERBiT Eastern Fusion blend

1 Can Coconut Milk

3 Tablespoons of  Peanut Butter

1-2 Spring onions, chopped

1 tbsp Honey or sugar

Soya sauce to taste

Chopped Coriander for garnish

Chopped peanuts to garnish



Add all ingredients to a pot and slowly bring to a boil, stirring until combined

Simmer for 5 minutes - and thats it! Your sauce is ready to use with whatever you want!

Add to Cooked Chicken, Pork or Tofu

Serve with fluffy Jasmine Rice, a wedge of Lime and garnish with the chopped Coriander and crushed peanuts.




recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, BBQ marinade


Chicken in Portugese Beer Sauce - A perfect summer dinner party dish!


RECIPE  - Serves 4

6 Tablespoons of HERBiT Peri Peri blend

1 Large whole chicken - buy free range or from a local farm if possible

1 small red onion, thiny sliced

1 cup of baby tomatoes

1 can of Portugese Beer (Super Bock, Sagres)

Dash of cream



Mix all ingredients together

Put your chicken in a deep bowl

Apply the mixture to your chicken, and give it a good rub to make sure all those lovely flavours penetrate into it

Cover and marinade overnight if possible.

Preheat your oven to 180degrees/350 Fahrenheit/gas mark 4.

Put your marinaded chicken into a roasting dish and cover loosely with foil.

Cook for 1.5 hours, then take the chicken out and remove the foil

Put it back in the oven and cook for another 30 minutes, or until the juices run clear when pricked with a fork. If you see any pink liquid, put it back in the over for another 10-15 minutes.

Once cooked, remove the chicken and allow it to rest while you add a dash of cream to the roasting pan juices, to make a lovely sauce!


Serve as a centrepiece dish on your table, with a selection of salads, coleslay, corn on the cob, and some peri peri rice,  wedges of lime or some  potato wedges!

You can use the Peri Peri blend to flavour the potato wedges and rice too!








recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, peri peri chicken


Peri Peri Halloumi Burgers with Citrus Slaw

Delicious Ssmmer food!


RECIPE  - Serves 4

4 Tablespoons of HERBiT Peri Peri blend

250g block halloumi, sliced

1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil

2 Carrots peeled & shredded

1/2 small white cabbage, peeled & shredded

1 red onion, finely sliced

4 Tablespoons of mayonnaise

1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice

1 Tablespoon of Lime juice

Bunch of Coriander, finely chopped

Handful of rocket or Baby spinach leaves

4 Ciabatta or burger buns, halved and lightly toasted

Tomato slices, to serve​


Mix the HERBiT Peri Peri blend with the Olive Oil and gently toss the sliced halloumi into the mix

Leave to marinate while you make your slaw

Toss the cabbage, red onion into a large bowl and add the lime juice, coriander and toss well

Heat a non stick pan on a medium heat and gently fry the halloumi slices.

Fry for a few minutes on each side until the halloumi is soft, and the marinade turns golden and forms a crust.

Add a few rocket or spinach leaves to the buns, and top with the halloumi.

Pile on the slaw, tomato and add the bun tops​

For a added flavour, add some sliced avocado!










recipes, healthy food, HERBiT, halloumi burger

Other ways to use HERBiT Blends include - 

adding to your cooked rice or pasta

mixing with natural yoghurt or mayo to make dips

mix with olive oil, lemon juice and make a drizzle for salad

you can even add them to your home baked bread - just mix with your dough!

More recipes will be added to the page, so keep checking in to see whats new or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok!



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